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How Reflexology works on the Body

How Reflexology works on the body


History of reflexology

Ancient texts and illustrations show us that the early Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Russians and Egyptians worked on the feet to promote good health.

In the early twentieth century Dr William Fitzgerald developed modern zone therapy, suggesting that parts of the body correspond to other parts. In the 1930s Eunice Ingham (physiotherapist) used zone therapy with her patients and concluded that these zones ran throughout the body. She felt that the feet were one of the most sensitive and responsive areas in the body and mapped out the entire body onto the feet.

Modern reflexology is a science requiring careful study and knowledge of the techniques. It is most effective when combined with a healing, caring focused therapist

Lets look at some of the ways reflexology can help

Reducing stress and induces deep relaxation.

Stress cannot be avoided – it can be useful and harmful. Some stress is essential to help us focus and get things done. However, stress can become a problem when we do not manage it well.

When this occurs the bodies defenses break down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease. It has been estimated that 75% of all illness can be attributed to stress

Every part of the body is operated by messages carried back and forth along neural pathways. Stimulating sensory nerve endings sends messages to the spinal cord and brain. The brain and spinal cord send instructions to the organs and muscles.

During reflexology the reflexologist stimulates more than 7000 nerves when touching the feet.

Circulation can be improved

Good blood flow is essential throughout the body to carry fresh oxygen and nutrients to all the cells, whilst removing waste products and toxins. During stress the cardiovascular system can tighten up restricting the blood flow.

By deeply relaxing the body all the systems can function better including those that remove the waste products

Reflexology balances the whole system. For the body to be healthy everything needs to work together

Excessive stress leads to the bodies fight/flight defense mechanism. Unfortunately, in our modern lives we generally can’t “fight” or run away. The adrenal glands however, still haven’t worked this out yet. So, the heartbeat becomes more rapid, the digestive system shuts down along with other physical reactions. Often, we do nothing about this and bottle it all up and continue on. Eventually the stress builds up and knocks part of our system out of balance

Reflexology alleviates the effects of stress by inducing deep relaxation, allowing the nervous system to calm down and function more normally. Blood flow is improved and oxygen reaches all the cells.

Healing can take place.


1/8/ 2020

what is reflexology


Not many of you may know, but as well as lashes - my other “love” is massage and Reflexology

Let me tell you why….

Reflexology is known for its ability to quickly relieve stress, balance and calm the body and increase immunity. These are incredibly important factors especially in todays everchanging world.

Based on the principle that the reflex points in the feet, hands and ears can relate to areas of the body. The internal organs and other structures of the body which cannot be treated by massage alone can now be worked on.

By applying pressure to these pressure points – in the same way that acupuncturists use needles to tap into specific points we can help to create therapeutic changes and improvements.

Pain relief, Muscle relaxation, improved digestion, circulation and lymph flow can be improved as can sleep patterns, along with a feeling of wellness and balance throughout the body.

Reflexology is gaining more recognition in the medical world and is often used in aged care as well as with palliative care and midwifery.

A reflexology session will take around an hour, and involves massaging the feet in a specific way to work on all areas of the “body”.

As you can see from the picture the foot matches perfectly to the body and the internal organs.

During the session you may fall asleep as the whole process can be very relaxing. There can be areas of tension which can feel a bit tender and this can often indicate that there is a “blockage” in this area. We work to relieve this area and help the flow of energy return.

Let me tell you a story about my “very skeptical” husband who “hates his feet being touched with a passion”. Well after a few initial discussions about how it wouldn’t hurt, tickle or feel down right weird he did give in. Within 20 mins (once I had negotiated the toes), he was snoring like a baby and I had to wake him up at the end.

He is now a convert and will Happily (ok the toe area is still a slight issue) allow me to treat him with reflexology

So I would highly recommend “giving it a go”

By Kath Barber

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